Port Alfred
High School

Welcome to
Port Alfred High School
785 students, 46 teachers, 24 support staff, 1 swim squad, 7 rugby teams, 5 cricket teams, 11 netball teams, 4 tennis teams, 2 chess teams, 2 debating teams, 2 archery teams, 22 hockey teams, 2 table tennis teams, Early Act, Interact, First Aid, UCSA, drama club, choir and one very big heart.
At Port Alfred School we cater for pre-school children all the way through to matric. The sporty kids and the academic kids. The public speakers and the quiet organisers. We believe in growing the whole student and strive to provide a happy and healthy environment that nurtures and benefits everyone. We are a family school at the sea and are fortunate to have a team of dedicated parents, past pupils, teachers and community leaders at our side. Behind every good student is a good school. And behind every good school, is a great community.
A word from our Deputy Principal,
Anne Willemse
What a privilege it is to serve in this incredible school. Port Alfred High School is a vibrant school; a school where staff work closely with parents for the best interest of the students. Our school offers students access to various activities in the academic, sporting and cultural arenas. We aim to foster a love of learning and place emphasis on developing confident, independent, multiskilled and adaptable South African and global citizens who are ready to face the challenges of a fast-changing world.